Spain's General Directorate for Road Traffic (DGT) has authorised the use of duo-trailers, sets of vehicles 32 meters long and weighing 72 tons, on the country's roads. The decision was made despite the fact that this mode of transport had not yet been legislated for.
Even though the government initiated efforts to establish regulations allowing for the operation of 72-ton trucks in Spain during the previous term, they have not yet been officially approved.
Nevertheless, the DGT chose to allow these vehicles to travel on Spanish roads without waiting for a change in regulations. DGT justified the move after obtaining the appropriate permits. It stated that following five years of testing, the knowledge and experience gained regarding these vehicles was deemed sufficient.
“There is no longer any point in continuing tests in which the number of participants was large enough to conclude that the transport sector is already prepared for its regular use in public freight transport,” added DGT.
Pilot trials involving one hundred 72-ton trucks have been ongoing in Spain since 2018. These vehicles were primarily used by logistics operators and fleet managers to transport goods for the automotive industry.